061 453 039 | 087 770 4810 | info@firstcallclaim.ie | Limerick
Email: info@firstcallclaim.ie
Phone : 061 453 039
Mobile: 087 770 4810

Fire Damage
At First Call Claim we provide insurance claim assistance and loss assessments for houses that have been damaged in a fire.
A house fire can result in serious structural and superficial damage. The superficial damage may be easy to see but the structural damage is usually harder to detect. In addition to the flames, smoke and soot can spread throughout the house and cause damage in places the fire did not even reach. This soot is particularly dangerous and when it breaks down it becomes corrosive and will result in further damage down the line. Damage may also be caused by the water used to put the fire out.
First Call Claim has decades of experience with fire insurance claims and have successfully negotiated compensation for house fires, chimney fires, kitchen fires, protein, fires, and electrical fires. Our expert team will effectively and accurately assess the damage caused by the fire and present our findings to your insurance company on your behalf.
Fire Insurance Claims
A fire in your home is a very stressful and overwhelming occurrence. This stress is not helped by the lengthy and complicated insurance claim process. First Call Claim has over 25 years of experience assisting clients with their fire insurance claims. Our loss assessment team with quantify the loss and damage that has occurred and will work on your behalf so that you receive the full amount of compensation you are entitled to under your policy conditions.
Fire Damage – FAQs
How long will a fire insurance claim take?
This will vary depending on the insurance company, any complications with the claim, and other changing factors. On average, a fire insurance claim can take between 3-6 months to be completed and a settlement to be received.
A fire happened in my home yesterday. What should I do first?
We always recommend calling First Call Claim before calling your insurance company. As a loss assessor, we will survey the damage and compile accurate reports and then contact your insurance company to report the claim and provide an estimate for compensation alongside our findings.
How can I get a fair settlement for my fire claim?
Insurance companies and their loss adjusters will read their policies in their own favour to maximise their bottom line. First Call Claim is well aware of insurance companies' responsibilities and their claims procedures. We will ensure that you receive the fair and full settlement that you are owed.