061 453 039 | 087 770 4810 | info@firstcallclaim.ie | Limerick
Email: info@firstcallclaim.ie
Phone : 061 453 039
Mobile: 087 770 4810

Commercial Theft & Burglary
First Call Claim provides loss assessment and insurance claim assistance for all thefts, burglaries, and break-ins in business properties and premises.
Every business and commercial property is at risk of burglary and theft. A break-in and burglary is an extremely distressing event. There can be extensive damage caused to the property as well as the theft of perhaps items such as stock, equipment, computers, etc. Companies may also have to deal with the potential closure of their business while repairs and new equipment is sourced. This will put pressure on profits and there may be some risk to employees' roles. As such, it is imperative that all business theft insurance claims are handled swiftly and competently.
At First Call Claim, we over 25 years of experience and have assisted countless commercial clients with their burglary insurance claims. Our expert team will assess the loss and quantify the cost of replacing the stolen goods as well as any business interruption issues. We can minimise the impact of the break-in and burglary by helping you deal with your insurance company and ensure that you get the full compensation and fair settlement for your loss.
Business Theft & Burglary Insurance Claims
A burglary and theft at your business is an extremely overwhelming and distressing event. This is not helped by the complicated claims procedures. At First Call Claim, we have decades of experience assisting commercial and business clients with their burglary insurance claims. Our loss assessment team will assess the total value of the loss, from the break-in damage to the cost to replace stolen items. We will negotiate on your behalf in order to maximise your compensation under your insurance policy conditions.
Commercial Theft & Burglary – FAQs
What do I do if my business has been broken into?
The first thing you need to do is call the Guards to report the break-in and burglary. It is very important that you do not move or touch anything until the Guards arrive and take a statement. You should take photos of the damage caused and begun to compile a list of what was stolen, be it inventory, stock, or equipment.
Is it easy to process a burglary or theft insurance claim?
Fortunately, business burglary claims are easier to resolve than domestic claims. This is because business keep fairly exhaustive documentation of stock, inventory, etc., so we can accurately identify the amount of stolen goods and quantify their total value. This is invaluable and greatly aids the claims procedure.
Can I handle my theft insurance claim myself?
Absolutely, you can submit the claim yourself and are under no obligation to hire the services of a loss assessor. However, it is not recommended. First Call Claim have years of industry knowledge and are business insurance claim experts. Our advice and support can simplify the entire process and increase your chances of receiving a sizeable settlement.