061 453 039 | 087 770 4810 | info@firstcallclaim.ie | Limerick
Email: info@firstcallclaim.ie
Phone : 061 453 039
Mobile: 087 770 4810

Commercial Flood & Storm Damage
At First Call Claim we provide loss assessments and insurance claim assistance for businesses and commercial that have been damaged by a flood or a storm.
Damage caused by a flood or storm can range from minimal to extensive. In addition to the structural damaged, superficial damage, stock damage equipment damage, etc., businesses will have to contend with disruption to their business, potential closure and employee wagers. In order to get your business back up and running, your flood insurance claim or storm insurance claim needs to be handled smoothly and with as little complications or setbacks as possible.
First Call Claim has decades of experience with flood insurance claims and storm insurance claims, and we have negotiated countless successful settlements for our commercial and business clients. Our loss assessment team will thoroughly assess the damage caused by the flood or storm and quantify the total loss occurred with regards to damage and loss of earnings. We will then present a detailed report and our findings to your insurance company in order to generate a fair settlement under your policy conditions.
Business Flood & Storm Insurance Claims
It can be difficult to know where to begin when a flood or storm has damaged your home. The claims procedure can be complicated and often causes additional stress. At First Call Claim, we have over 25 years of experience assisting clients with commercial both storm damage claims and flood damage claims. Our expert team will carry out an in-depth investigation and quantify the loss and the cost for all repairs and replacements. We will negotiate with your insurance company to secure a settlement that is fair and accurate.
Commercial Flood & Storm Damage – FAQs
Does my business insurance policy cover flooding?
The majority of business insurance policies will cover floods. However, if your business premises is located in an area that floods regularly then this may be excluded from your policy. If you are unsure if you are covered make sure you read your policy carefully. Contact First Call Claim and we can offer advice and assist with your commercial flood damage insurance claim.
How do I know if my office roof has storm damage?
There are many warning signs that your roof has been damaged by a storm, The most obvious will me missing slates or shingles, water spots on your ceiling and leaks. If you do notice any damage you should have First Call Claim assess the extent of the damage and we can make a business insurance claim on your behalf.
Can I handle my business flood or storm insurance claim myself?
Yes, you do not have to hire a loss assessor to look after your business insurance claim. However, storm and flood insurance claims can be complicated and time consuming. By having a professional and experienced loss assessor like First Call Claim on your side you can save yourself a lot of stress and anxiety as we handle the entire claim from beginning to end and see that you get the compensation you are owed.