061 453 039 | 087 770 4810 | info@firstcallclaim.ie | Limerick
Email: info@firstcallclaim.ie
Phone : 061 453 039
Mobile: 087 770 4810

Case Studies
First Call Claim has helped countless clients during our 25 years in business.
We have compiled some case studies on the many insurance claims projects we have worked on to help you better understand the work we do here at First Call Claim Loss Assessors.
Case Study 1 - Oil Leak
Mr. and Mrs. C in Shannon contacted their Insurance Company to discuss oil smells in their house. The Insurance Company were willing to pay her a modest €750.00 to clean her carpets and curtains.
Mrs. C was anxious to find out the cause of the smell so she employed First Call Claim. We investigated and found the smell was coming from a leak in an internal oil burner and was on-going for one and a half years. We organised a specialist investigator who took core samples and analysed them. This lead to demolition of some internal walls, removal of kitchen units, excavation of an entire floor to a depth of 4 meters and removal to a safe place.
First Call Claim organised alternative accommodation and an interim payment of €10,000.00 to Mr. & Mrs. C.
First Call Claim also successfully negotiated a €90,000.00 settlement for Mr. and Mrs C from Shannon.
Case Study 2 - Dampness
Mr. & Mrs O. from Limerick suffered dampness in their house of 20 years. They went to their Insurance Company who appointed a Loss Adjuster to inspect the property. After analysing the facts the Insurance Company concluded that the problem was not an insurable peril under their policy and turned down the claim.
When First Call Claim were asked to intervene, we straight away contacted a Thermal Imaging Contractor, who surveyed the property and discovered the leak to be a broken waste pipe underneath the floor.
Major works had to be undertaken. Floors and part of one wall had to be removed and pipe reinstated. Full decoration to house had to be carried out along with full drying out with dehumidifiers and dryers.
Mr. & Mrs. O’s claim was settled for €35,000.00
Case Study 3 - Water Damage to Commercial Property
Mary W. from Co. Clare ran a successful Beauty Therapy business for 10 years. When she went away for a weekend, she didn’t know that upon returning Monday morning that she would be out of business.
Water pipes had burst in an adjoining domestic house property. The insurance company stated that Mary W. was not covered because the damage was caused by another house and that she should look for compensation from them. We, First Call Claim, took on the case and successfully won her claim against her own Insurance Company who duly paid up with a settlement of €30,000.00, covering all her equipment and her business interruption.
Mary W was back in business in less than one month.